Using Invoice Data in HubSpot

4 minute video · Written by admin · Last updated 28 Feb 2025

One of the most powerful features of Invoice Stack is the data that gets sent back to HubSpot about your invoices. We do that using properties on your HubSpot deal. In this article and video, we'll walk you through how to find those properties, we'll point out the most useful ones and we'll show you how you can use them throughout your HubSpot account.

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Where to find invoice data

The best place to start is to find a deal on HubSpot where you've already created an invoice. When you sync an invoice, the data is saved to properties on your HubSpot deal record. To start with, these properties probably won't be visible when you view your deal, so let's find them.

On the left-hand side of your deal record you'll see a section named "About this deal", at the bottom is a button named "View all properties". If you can't see the button, you may need to scroll within the box in order to find it.

When you click the button you'll see the full list of properties that exist on that deal. When you install Invoice Stack, we'll add a new section named Invoicing - expand it to see a list of the properties Invoice Stack has filled out for your deal.

You can click "Add to your view" to pin properties to the "About this deal" box - this is visible only to you though, so follow the instructions in the following section to see how to customise how properties display everywhere.

View all properties


About invoicing properties

There are over 20 Invoicing properties that Invoice Stack syncs to your deals and we're adding new ones all the time. A couple of the most popular are:

  • Invoice Status - This changes from blank to "Invoices Synced" to "First Invoice Paid" to "All invoices paid" - which means you can use it to track whether invoices have been created by your team yet, or whether the payment has gone through
  • Overdue Invoices - shows whether any of the invoices on the deal are overdue - meaning you can keep track of late paying clients

These properties are kept up-to-date automatically,  whenever things change in your accounting platform, so you never need to manually update them. To view a description of the property - just hover over it in and click "details" - you'll see a description at the top and also a list of changes that have been made.

Because these are normal HubSpot properties, you can use them to create workflows to automate your deals, and to create powerful reports and dashboards inside HubSpot.

Full list of invoicing properties

Deal PropertyHubSpot Internal nameDescription
Invoice Status (e.g. Synced, First Paid, All Paid)is_invoice_statusThe current status of invoices linked to this deal
Invoice Total ex. taxis_invoice_totalTotal value, excluding tax, of all invoices linked to this deal, excluding deleted and voided
Overdue Invoicesis_overdueShows true if any invoice linked to this deal has a due date before today and is not marked as paid, excludes deleted and voided. Updated every 5 minutes
Number of Invoicesis_number_of_invoicesThe number of invoices linked to this deal, excluding deleted and voided
Number of Invoices Paidis_number_of_invoices_paidThe number of invoices linked to this deal that have been marked as paid
Next Invoice Dateis_next_invoice_dateThe invoice date of the earliest unpaid invoice linked to this deal
Next Invoice Due Dateis_next_invoice_due_dateThe due date of the earliest unpaid invoice linked to this deal. Note that this could be in the past if invoices are overdue
Invoice Numbersis_invoicenumbersComma separated list of invoice numbers generated for the deal
Overdue Totalis_overduetotalValue of invoices marked as overdue, ex. Tax
Paid Totalis_paidtotalValue of invoices marked as paid, ex. Tax - note this excludes credits or part payments
Invoice Total in Base Currencyis_invoice_total_baseTotal value in your Xero/QuickBooks base currency using the exchange rate generated by Xero/QuickBooks (excluding Tax). Total includes all invoices linked to this deal, excluding deleted and voided
Invoices Sentis_allsentShows true if all invoices for this deal have been sent
Connection Nameis_connectionnameName of the Xero or QuickBooks account used to sync invoices
MRRis_mrrMonthly Recurring Revenue from Repeating Invoices
ARRis_arrAnnual Recurring Revenue from Repeating Invoices
Projected Total (ex. tax)is_projected_totalProjected value, excluding tax, of all invoices and repeating invoices linked to this deal, calculated where an end date exists excluding deleted and voided
Contact IDis_contact_idThe internal reference ID for the contact that has been invoiced from your accounting platform
Invoice Link(s)is_linkCustomer-facing link to the invoice, comma separated list, Xero only
Overdue Invoice Link(s)is_overdue_linkCustomer-facing link to the overdue invoice, comma separated list, Xero only
Credit Totalis_credittotalThe total of all the credits applied to invoices in this deal
Credit Total exc. taxis_credittotal_exc_taxThe total of all the credits applied to invoices in this deal excluding tax
Invoice Total inc. taxis_invoice_total_inc_taxTotal value, including tax, of all invoices in this deal, excluding deleted and voided
Paid in Full Date (Most Recent)is_lastpaymentdateThe last date that an invoice linked to this deal was paid - excluding part payments - Not supported by QuickBooks
Latest Invoice Dateis_lastinvoicedateThe date of the latest invoice linked to this deal - ordered by invoice date
Earliest Invoice Dateis_firstinvoicedateThe date of the earliest invoice linked to this deal - ordered by invoice date
Awaiting Approvalis_awaitingapprovalShows true if any invoices on this deal are marked as Draft or Submitted for Approval
Last Updatedis_last_updatedThe datetime when this deal's Invoice Stack properties were last updated
Next Invoice Total exc. taxis_next_invoice_totalThe total (exc tax) of the earliest unpaid invoice linked to this deal
Next Invoice Numberis_next_invoicenumberThe invoice number of the earliest unpaid invoice linked to this deal
Overdue Countis_overdue_countThe number of invoices that are overdue
Overdue Invoice Numbersis_overdue_invoicenumbersComma separated list of overdue invoice numbers generated for the deal
Overdue Date (Most Recent)is_overdue_dateThe due date of the most recent overdue invoice
Paid Invoice Number (Most Recent)is_paid_invoicenumberThe invoice number of the most recently paid invoice linked to this deal.
Paid Invoice Total (Most Recent)is_paid_invoicetotalThe total (exc tax) of the most recently paid invoice linked to this deal
Paid Invoice Link (Most Recent)is_paid_invoicelinkThe invoice link of the most recently paid invoice linked to this deal

Control how properties display

You can control where properties display by doing to HubSpot's settings > Data Management > Deals.

Here are a few things to try:

  • Go to Pipelines to Customize deal cards - and show the invoicing status on your deal pipeline
  • Go to Record Customization to create a custom panel on the left sidebar to include all the relevant invoicing data on the left hand side of your deal
  • Customize the right sidebar to decide where Invoice Stack shows on your deals 

Deal pipeline card


Next Steps

We recommend trying these steps out yourself using a trial version of Invoice Stack. Have a think about which teams need to see invoice properties, where they need to see them and when. Finally don't forget to check out our guides on Automation and on Reporting where you can use these invoice properties to do even more with your invoicing data.

Give Invoice Stack a try

Getting started with Invoice Stack is easy! Try it for yourself with a 21-day free trial, no credit card required and get set up in minutes. Or, if you'd like to take a deeper dive or show your team - book a demo slot at a time that suits you.