
Manage Payments in HubSpot

Unlock payments inside HubSpot without changing your accounting set up.

Collect payments without changing platforms

Payments via your accounting platform

Through a simple "Pay Now" button on your invoice, both QuickBooks Online and Xero natively support a variety of different payment methods on invoices. Accept payment for your invoices via credit card, PayPal, direct debit, and a variety of local payment methods.

With Invoice Stack you can create invoices from HubSpot, and get paid via QuickBooks or Xero, giving faster payments for your customers without radically changing your accounting set up. This gives you the flexibility to offer the option of traditional bank payments alongside faster payment methods.

Track Payment Status

Payment Status

Whenever an invoice is marked as paid in your accounting platform, whether that’s via an instant payment method, or reconciled from your bank feed, we update your HubSpot deal.

Transparency of payment status saves hours of back and forth communications for Finance teams. It gives Sales teams the ability to keep track of which deals are paid without leaving HubSpot. Use this data to power workflows and automate your reporting inside HubSpot.

Track Overdue Status

Tracking whether your customer is up to date with payments is an important part of the sales cycle. Use this data to spot customers at risk of churning, prioritise your upsell funnel and much more.

With Invoice Stack, when an invoice is sent and the due date has passed - you’ll see the deal flagged up as overdue in HubSpot. What’s more, because we have two-way sync, any changes to invoice or due dates inside your accounting platform are taken into account.

Give Invoice Stack a try

Getting started with Invoice Stack is easy! Try it for yourself with a 21-day free trial, no credit card required and get set up in minutes. Or, if you'd like to take a deeper dive or show your team - book a demo slot at a time that suits you.