
1 minute read · Written by admin · Last updated 17 Jul 2024

Account codes reflect where revenue is allocated for accounting purposes. Every line of revenue will eventually need to be allocated. Every company is different - sometimes a standard Sales revenue account is used for all income, others will have different accounts for different types of revenue.


Invoice Stack gets the list of account codes direct from your accounting platform. If you’re using Products, we can allocate accounts automatically.

If you’re not using Products, you can set the account code at the top of the screen, or if you need to set the codes line by line, you can click “Customise Accounts and Taxes” to select each line. If you’d like to set a default account code for all invoices - get in touch with us.

Account codes are mandatory if you’re using QuickBooks, or if you’re using Xero and you’re syncing invoices as “Submitted for Approval” or “Authorised”.

If an account code you need isn’t showing - get in touch with the team.

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