
2 minute read · Written by admin · Last updated 17 Jul 2024

When you start up Invoice Stack for the first time on a deal, we will automatically create invoices from the line items on your quotes or deal, ready for you to check and sync.

HubSpot line items

By default we will map the line item name to the description field, along with the SKU, price, quantity and any discounts. For Pro customers we have customisation options available, such as filling in deal or line item properties - contact us if you would like to enable this.

Invoice Stack will try to fill from Quotes first (and if multiple quotes, the one that has been signed), if no quote is present we will get the data from the line items. If you do not want line items to be filled from quotes - let our team know and we can disable this.

If you’re not using quotes or line items - we can still fill some data on your deal when Invoice Stack starts, such as the deal name and amount, and for more complex use cases you can use our companion app, LinePilot, to generate line items on your deals automatically.

Invoice Stack will create split or recurring invoices based if the billing start date, term or billing frequency is set on your line items. Find out more about repeating invoices here, or contact us to disable.

If you need to fill in the line items again, then click the AutoFill button to repeat the process. Each time you AutoFill, Invoice Stack will fetch all of the current line items on the quote or deal.

Give Invoice Stack a try

Getting started with Invoice Stack is easy! Try it for yourself with a 21-day free trial, no credit card required and get set up in minutes. Or, if you'd like to take a deeper dive or show your team - book a demo slot at a time that suits you.